In Islam - Islam is a religion that was revealed by Allah to mankind through the intercession of his choice the Apostle, Prophet Muhammad. This doctrine is not entirely new, but a continuation and the refinement of the teachings brought by the Messenger. Etymologically Islam means he bowed himself or he went in peace. Two words, and peace is the key to the meaning of Islam is etymologically.
Understanding the above is found in the literature, Prof. Marcel Boisard, for example, the popular author of French orientalists about Islamic Humanism, L Del Islam, says that the closest translation of the name of Islam is the submission, surrender with trust, active with independence. In addition, Islam means "peace" in and out.
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In the the teachings of Islam rejected the name of secularism, as Islam includes the entire field of human life including the areas of the State. In Islam there is no separation between religious and political affairs. Understanding, politics as a necessity that is conducted within the framework of the Islamic value system. Nevertheless, al-Quran and Sunnah do not restrict a State of settings is stiff. It was left to the people, that is through ijtihad. Islam is not an ideology but can become ideological.
As summed up by Dr. Faisal, Malaysia Muslim scholars, namely:
"The issue of the political and the administrative State is included in the mundane affairs of impersonal, guide the Quran also al-Sunna also are common. By such political issues included in the Affairs of the Muslims of ijtihad. The purpose of the scholars or scholars of Islam is trying to continuously make the basis of the Koran it becomes concrete so that the system can be translated in the governance and administration of the State at all times. "
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The Notion of Democracy - Democracy is the origin of the word "demos", a city in Greece means community, and "kratio" or "krato" which in Greek means the Government. Democracy is etymologically is "rule by the people". Democracy is a form of Government in which the supreme power is in the hands of the people. Implemented directly by them, or by elected representatives in the system of independent voters. Because this definition of Abraham Lincoln, one of the former President of the United States, says that in the process of democracy requires the participation of the people in the decide a problem and control of the ruling Government. The Government also encourages democracy in the country and guarantee the freedom of speech, religion and Association, argued, for every citizen. Uphold the rule of law. The existence of a majority government that respect the rights of minorities.
Historically, democracy comes from the West, but in the process have become the property of the world. Democracy has fundamental principles that became his trademark, such principles are:
- The principle of Justice.
- The principle of peace.
- The principle of welfare.
- The principle of obedience of the people.
- And the principle of the free Trial.
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In principle, it could be inferred that democracy can be found in the teachings of Islam, because both have the same ethical content. After it was agreed that in a democracy there are Islamic values, democracy itself could be institutions and system of values. In other words, democracy is a concept of the political system.
Thus, democratization is not impossible in countries with majority Islamic population. In other words, Islam is able to contribute to the process of democratization of all embraced Islam is always "liberate".
What Aspects Of Islam With Democracy?
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 07, 2018

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