In Islam - Muslims it is the one (ummatun wahidah). The unity of Muslims here called ukhuwah Islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood). It is the teaching given by Allah and Prophet Muhammad through the instructions below:
• Almighty God said in the Quran
"Real believers it is brothers" (QS. Al-Hujarat: 10) "and those who believe men and women, some of them become a helper for one another". (QS. At-Tawba: 71)
• the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad
"The parable of the House of believers in love each other, love each other-mengkasihi, bantu-membantu such as one body. If one of its members feel pain, then the whole body is in pain, feeling a fever and could not sleep. " (Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim)
"A muslim is a brother to other Muslims. Shouldn't he medhalimi and should not allow and not help him. Anyone paying attention to the needs of his brother, Allah will pay attention to their needs. Whoever let go of his brother's distress, he will take off the distress on the day of resurrection. Whoever closes the aib a muslim, Allah will close aibnya on the day of resurrection. " (Narrated by Al-bukhaari and Muslim)
From what described above are based on the word of God Almighty and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, we as Muslims should be able to become a person who can love a brother semuslim, assist and helped the muslim who was having troubles connecting cord friendship and maintain its brotherhoods.
But on the fact that can be seen through the phenomenon happening now feels not a muslim. Where fellow Muslims here hating, berate, even libelous. It was an event that was far from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who always elevate the fraternity.
The incident happened in the reality of life as told above occurs because different opinions or religious understanding, there is a political element, and because of the selfishness of a person. If we see and feel what has been taught by Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, then we can accept all forms of difference intellectually understanding with a cool head, because it is essentially a problem or a problem like this already going from millions of years ago, history has given a good lesson for our lives in the present and to come.
• Almighty God said in the Quran
"Real believers it is brothers" (QS. Al-Hujarat: 10) "and those who believe men and women, some of them become a helper for one another". (QS. At-Tawba: 71)
• the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad
"The parable of the House of believers in love each other, love each other-mengkasihi, bantu-membantu such as one body. If one of its members feel pain, then the whole body is in pain, feeling a fever and could not sleep. " (Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim)
"A muslim is a brother to other Muslims. Shouldn't he medhalimi and should not allow and not help him. Anyone paying attention to the needs of his brother, Allah will pay attention to their needs. Whoever let go of his brother's distress, he will take off the distress on the day of resurrection. Whoever closes the aib a muslim, Allah will close aibnya on the day of resurrection. " (Narrated by Al-bukhaari and Muslim)
Read More: Islam Is The Perfect Religion
From what described above are based on the word of God Almighty and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, we as Muslims should be able to become a person who can love a brother semuslim, assist and helped the muslim who was having troubles connecting cord friendship and maintain its brotherhoods.
But on the fact that can be seen through the phenomenon happening now feels not a muslim. Where fellow Muslims here hating, berate, even libelous. It was an event that was far from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who always elevate the fraternity.
The incident happened in the reality of life as told above occurs because different opinions or religious understanding, there is a political element, and because of the selfishness of a person. If we see and feel what has been taught by Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, then we can accept all forms of difference intellectually understanding with a cool head, because it is essentially a problem or a problem like this already going from millions of years ago, history has given a good lesson for our lives in the present and to come.
Is It True That All Muslims Are Brothers?
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 09, 2018

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