In Islam - As the development time of many Association models found. The most visible and perceived is the Association of teenagers these days. Starting from hair trends, clothing, and behavior all have started coming out of the Islamic jurisprudence. Even the more it gets worse again is free association on the person going out which resulted in a pregnancy for couples. Why is said to be severe? Because the couple are not legitimate to do sex in Religion or country. The impact felt by the people who got pregnant outside of marriage is very remarkable. The most dominant is a mental disorder.
Mental disorders are felt by people who had become pregnant outside wedlock is pengkucilan from the local community, because it is considered a disgrace for the family, plus a still-teenage berumuran women pregnant should not continue middle school it makes the ideals that all planes destroyed because of one mistake he has done that is pregnant outside of marriage.
Therefore need counselling to adolescents are Islamic, so it did not happen that way. Hold counseling here not just to teenagers who have already contracted the problem, however, for teenagers who have not contracted with amsalah should also be given knowledge of the sexual concepts in Islamic thought long before they do such a feat.
Why in this case Islam should play a role? Because basically teen that will forward the ideals that have not been carried out by Islamic or the State itself. They are the backbone for the country or religion, when they catch a problem pregnancy that has not been on time and in the end taking care of his own family just would not necessarily be able to let alone managing the big things like Religion and the State.
For those who have already become pregnant first and had pressure as explained above and the results they think they are trash for families and communities, siiklus like this never would hopelessly bound to happen again to their children because of lack of knowledge and understanding as well as experience from which they can be. In this case Islam present to give a new spirit to those who have already become pregnant outside wedlock, one example of which is given to them is like telling them to repent to Allah swt, and convince them that have happens let happen, that has not happened assure to Allah swt with coupled their respective efforts, continue to kejjar goals that have not been carried, as the wheel of life in the world hasn't ended.
Sexual Health According To Islamic View
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
March 30, 2018

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