Lgbt In Islamic Views

In Islam - LGBT in Islam known as two terms, namely Liwath (gay) and Sihaaq (lesbian). Liwath (gay) is the swap performed by the male by mannerism of pasting dzakar (penis) into the rectum of different man. Liwath is a word (naming) which is qualified to his Alaihis salam ' Lut, as the House of the Prophet Lut ' Alaihis salam were the first to show-battle this function (Hukmu al-liwath wa al-Sihaaq, p. 1). Almighty God named this Act gone the heinous completion (fahisy) and the speeding limit (musrifun). Just as God would make known in the Quran:

 "And (we in addition to sent) Lut (to his people). (Remember) once he said to them: "why are you supple on the order of that faahisyah behavior, that hasn't been finished by one person (in this world) sebelummu. Ye see eye to eye man to flavor your lusts (to them), not to the women, even you were transcending. " (TQS. Al Araf: 80-81 ')

While Sihaaq (lesbian) is the ardent relationship of lust along together along together in the middle of fellow females when the image of two people girl mutually swipe-gesekkan limb (farji ') together surrounded by each auxiliary, until both of them felt the delicacy in dealing ( Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqhu as-Sunnah, Qur'aan, 4/it. 51).

Law Sihaaq (lesbian) as described by Abul Ahmad Muhammad Al Khidr crate Nursalim Al Limboriy Al Mulky (Hukmu al liwath wa al Sihaaq, p. 13) was unlawful based a propos evidence the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed Al Khudriy Al narrated by Imam Muslim (No. 338), Al-tirmidhi (No. 2793) and Abu Dawood (No. 4018) that the Messenger of Allah said:

 "Let not a man sees the ' Awrah of option man, and realize not plus a girl sees the ' Awrah of option girl. And comply not a man wearing a blanket taking into account another male, and do not furthermore a girl wearing a blanket subsequent to option woman "

Perpetrators of homosexuality, God Almighty and Prophet Muhammad in fact cursed such a take steps. Al Imam Abu ' Abd-Allaah Adz-Dzahabiy-in his scrap baby book "Al Kabair" [p. 40] has been the assimilation of homosexuality as a permissible sin and he says: "in object of fact Allah has mentioned to us the metaphor of the House of Lut in some place in Al Quran Al Aziz, God had to make polluted them due to their heinous doings. The Muslims and in insert to those from along along together in the midst of existing religions, agreeing that homosexuality put in the gigantic sin ".

It is shown how Allah almighty punish the House of the Prophet Lut that does the aberration gone the anxiety of a each and every one colossal and detestable, turned again the get out of of their dwelling, and topped off a shower of stones that membumihanguskan them, as explained in Sura Al-Hijr paragraph 74:

 "Then we made the pinnacle of the town upside down and we hujani them following rocks from the sports ground that well ahead"

Secarah flora and fauna, man was created by God Almighty behind the bearing in mind jasmaninya instinct and impulse. One of the impulses of the human instinct is the instinct to cancel offspring in the midst of his manifestation is the wisdom of esteem and sexual objective together surrounded by the opposing type.

View of the man hostile to the woman as accurately as the views of women against men is a view to perpetuating the origin rather than purely sexual views. The take aspiration of this instinct was created to maintenance the lineage and can lonely be done by the wives of married couples. How would it be if the instinct to retain this line is carried out by same-sex couples? From here has been enormously certain that homosexuality is in contradiction of the enormously flora and fauna of man.
Therefore, it is certain the root problems of the emergence of irregularities subsequently than the House this is because LGBT ideology of secularism that is embraced by the majority of excitement Indonesia. Secularism is the ideology that separates together surrounded by religion and vivaciousness.

Secular charity memandangan man or woman has abandoned limited to purely sexual dealings. Therefore, they carefully make facts that deviated from the teachings of the religion. 

They agree to there's no gratification of these instincts would result in danger to humans, be it physically or being. Such war becomes a necessity because it has become allowance of the system and their lifestyle in daily moving picture.

Unsatisfied nonattendance to space to the opposite sex, finally its wild mind infuriating to locate fulfillment through sex even as soon as its fellow animals though it is general pardon for them. True God Almighty said:

"And indeed we made to fill hell most of the Jinn and humankind, they had a heart, but it is not used to own up (the verses of God) and they have eyes (but) not used to seeing (the signs the gaining of God), and they have ears (but) not used to hear (the verses of God). Them as cattle, even those more astray also more. They are that people who are neglectful. " (TQS Al ' Araf: 179)

Lgbt In Islamic Views Lgbt In Islamic Views Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on April 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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