In Islam - View of mental health in Islam about the soul and the impact that disturbances can be caused by it, the first psychiatric is generally caused by the limitations of knowledge and understanding of the community itself regarding the etiology of disorders of the soul, In addition because the value that is in the tradition and culture that is still very strong and rooted, so disruption of the soul is often associated by the trust of the community is concerned. As the importation of spirits for example.
The second in the concept of mental health in Islam, views on disorders of the soul is not much different with the views of the experts of mental health in General. However, most emphasized in the concept of mental health of Islam here is about the stigma of mental disorders arise by the assumption that the disruption caused by the soul influence supernatural powers and things unseen. Regarding this, factors that originate from outside the human body, such as the influence of the supernatural and occult things are external factors that can cause disorders of the soul, but when someone's condition psychologically and spiritually stable and balanced, then he will be spared from such influences. So, the influence of the supernatural and occult things instead of the main factors that cause someone misbehaving.
Conceptually, mental health as the image of normal conditions-healthy have the definition quite diverse. This is because, every expert has a different orientation in formulating mental health. But according to Zakiah Daradjat, behind such diversity, there are four common mental health formula embraced by experts, i.e. the formulation of mental health-oriented simtomatis, adaptability, development potential, and religion/spirituality.
In the Islamic view, mental health is a condition that allows - physical development (Biologics), intellectual (cognitive/ratio), emotional (affective) and spiritual (religious) are optimal from a person and the development of it walking in harmony with others. The meaning of the mental health has a harmonious properties (matching) and pay attention to all facets of human life in facet in relation to God (ver tikal), and fellow human beings (horizontal) and the universe.
Disorders Of The Soul In Accordance With Islamic Views
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
March 30, 2018

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