In Islam - CEDAW is an international treaty that also serves an instrument of women's rights the first in the world. The concept of reproductive health of women in CEDAW have marks of feminism. The hotel can be seen from the basic argument that women have full autonomy in deciding the question of reproductive health-related decisions without interference may be a husband, a family, a nation, or a religion. The point of view of reference that says that women as individuals who have full freedom, similar to that undertaken by the theory of liberal feminists that women freely making a decision over his sexuality and reproductive rights them.
Most countries that allow abortion legalization was the Western countries. These countries are the countries that are included in Western civilization. A form of legalization abortion in Western countries cannot be separated from the worldview behind the background. The legalization of abortion in our implementation surely cause impacts specifically, Impact-checkers is then that were investigated, more positive side or vice versa.
The UNDP report found that countries that have meratifi kasi CEDAW is the country with the highest number of gender inequality in the world, although the country has meratifi kasi CEDAW more than a decade ago. Legalization of abortion is a matter which affects not only the health but also social. One of the impact in the field of health is rising abortion numbers turned out to be coupled with an increase in the number of breast cancer. Another impact of the legalization of abortion in the health field is the increasing number of Genesis sexually transmitted infectious diseases (STI).
The Islam criticized the concept of reproductive health of women in CEDAW departs from the Islamic worldview differences with the Western worldview. Islam is present as a worldview has a point of view with only certain concepts, such as the concept of God, the concept of revelation, the Prophet, and other concepts. While the West has a materialistic worldview, anti-God, so that the West does not have a number of core concepts of looking at life, and so was born the secular West, pluralis, liberal, anti-authority, pragmatic, and others.
The difference in worldview that are then brought to the pragmatic solution of CEDAW question high AKI/AKB by pushing to the legalization of abortion. These things should be a concern for Muslims shared that an International Convention should be difilterisasi with powerful in order to understand-understand the opposite of religious rule are not accepted. CEDAW be treated critically, not with the acceptance completely without power critical.
The Elimination Of Discrimination Against Women
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
March 29, 2018

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