In Islam - In this life, human beings need a few things to get through it, such as food, drink, and couples. Food and beverages in the matter of the religion in question, but it's not too different from looking for life partner there is little difference in the religion of Islam due to find a life partner or married it wasn't for one thing only, the problem of marriage in Islam is a very complicated issue, because it is there that married because only limited funds can disburse the necessities of life (Biological), there's also that just want to have a the descendants of or a successor, and there is also due to the frills can go to Heaven (the afterlife). The existence of a difference about the limitations of the number of wives in Islam makes everyone wonder about the truth.
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Do Not Insult Others
Married more than one could be called with polygamy. In Islam there are some scholars who granted marriage licenses to more than one but should not be more than four. According to scholars, a law which allowed polygamy was permissible reason and allowed. This is taken from the Quran surat An-Nisa, which means:
"And if you are worried will not be able to do justice to the (rights) female orphans (when you menikahnya), then marry other women (others) that you enjoy doing, two, three or four. But if you worry about not being able to apply fair use, then marry only one, or the freeing of female slaves whom you may have. That more closely so that you do not dzalim. " (Q.S. An-Nisa, [4]: 3)
There are some polygamy law in certain circumstances, namely the Sunnah if first wife is unable to conceive (barren), but her husband like to actually have children and being able to justice. Legal polygamy be reported if the husband marries more than one merely to satisfy the lust and the ability to apply fair is still in doubt. Legal polygamy be unlawful if the husband could not afford to live on his wife because she was poor and could not afford to do justice, then it is haraam.
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The Elections In The Eyes Of Islam
From those described above arise some questions that make polygamy that doesn't need to be applied, the question is:
- s the decision making is only found on the husband?
- Does the requirement only had money?
- Just such what is covered? Fair use in heart don't anyone ever know,
because different mouth with heart? Fair use in attitude there has never
been a benchmark that is fitting to find out the deed was fair or not.
- Is his one-one way to enter Heaven when it was a
husband for his wife is according to when in polygamy, and when is it
going to turn it down into hell?
- The question we will discuss in the next article.
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