In Islam - Based on the problems associated with the results of the formulated data obtained then it can be summed up as follows. Only 89.66% children every morning always breakfast before leaving for school, the rest of 5.17% grade 2 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL aged children do not have breakfast only given allowance amounting to Rp. 2000,-.
The cause of children would not eat because 31.03% say it has become a habit of never eating in the morning, so even though a lot of time yet still choose to not eat. 25.86%; didn't get to eat in the morning, so just eat food such as cakes every morning, and 43.11% said there was no time for breakfast, because children often wake up sleeping through the night, because it is less regular. tudur For children who have not yet had time to eat or indeed unusual breakfast, usually given more money from parents to buy stock to eat at school. Sometimes there are also children who deliberately do not have breakfast because it wants to get more allowance.
The relationship between a breakfast with health does exist. When the stomach contents are there before leaving the school, the children obviously fresher and better prepared mengahadapi lessons in schools. But when children have not had breakfast in the morning, when a lesson is in progress and the child to feel hungry, automatically disruptive child to learn, usually when holding hunger little long, then the keapala will feel lightheaded or dizzy. From there we can see that the breakfast affects health for children.
Breakfast with the cleverness of the relationship the child has not clearly visible in this research. Because normally healthy is not necessarily intelligent. Brains will be obtained if the child continually honed or continuous learning, but in trouble wit it usually obtained from offspring or from cells obtained through genes from parents. For example a child breakfast and breakfast with no value or achievement study on elementary school children's class 2 in the area Kelurahan Pondok Objects not so closely, or not significant because there are genetic factors that are more dominant. Therefore it is still perluditeliti more.
Breakfast Relations With the Intelligence of Children
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 02, 2018

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