Like What The Heck Is Warranty Law In Islam

In Islam - Understanding - warranty is a form of collateral for the goods. As we now know, when we buy a new laptop or else usually get warranty for one year. From it we can see that the where of warranty is a guarantee that makes the other party believe. In Islam there is a form of the Akkadian or not like that? Let's discuss below.

Definition of contract-the contract Terminology rahn or pledge is made the goods (' ain) as a debt security. It means making the goods as a guarantee which will be sold to pay the debts when payments fail.

In the corpus of Fiqh, known by the two terms ranh. I.e. ju'li rahn and rahn syar'i. Ju'li Rahn is contract pledge as examined in this paper. While the debt is legitimate rahn relating to inheritance, such as dead people who left the debt has not been paid off, then the inheritance by a guarantee to pay off her debts, so that the heirs should not be mentasarufkan to other interests include dividing it.

The proposition underlying legality of contract rahn is al-Quran and Hadith, i.e.:

"If you're within the journey (and bermu'amalah not in cash) you are not obtaining a author, then let there be a dependent item command (By a 2)". (QS. Albaqarah: 283)

"Prophet Muhammad, mortgaged his armor to a Jew, Abu-Syahm as a guarantee over 30 sha ' grain for the family he". (Narrated By Al-Bukhari Muslim)

The status of contract-handover before they occur (qadl) marhun, rahn is contract ja'iz status from both sides (rahin and murtahin). Because the contract that the contract included rahn charge irfaq as Akkadian ardlu q, and also has a payload of tabarru ' contract as hibbah rahin. Therefore the Akkadian rahn will change status to a marriage party customarily rahin during handover marhun. As hibbah contract after mauhub handoff. In addition, in paragraph rahn above there is also aksplisit which was qayid confirms contract rahn not be common except with qadl.

While the party murtahin, Akkad rahn status ja'iz good pre or post q adl. For rahn is projected to murtahin interests, so he is free with his right be bound by contract rahn.

Like What The Heck Is Warranty Law In Islam Like What The Heck Is Warranty Law In Islam Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on March 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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