In Islam Certainly Appreciate The Difference

In Islam - Alhamdulillah, approval be to Allah Azza wa Exalted, essence has raised the standing of scholars who are cautious. Blessings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, Sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam concluding the prophets. Also to the associates, buddies and follow them till the hours of day of resurrection
Ba'du juz.

The slogan "appreciated the opinions of others", repeatedly delivered through audio media as dexterously as print, and this drying, as if it has become a deem of conduct yourself. When this ventilation is not solution, is not definitely definite. Because the problems that amalgamated to din (religion), pijakannya is the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, not based in version to recommendation. So anyone who is wrong in the encumbrance of din, subsequently his assert should not be rewarded and should not be silenced. Due to appreciate or silence is a disloyalty of Islam and Muslims; It as well as means hiding al-haq (unlimited), whereas Allah Azza wa Exalted said. (Read More: The Highest Form In Islam Khauf)

"And (remember) following Allah took a treaty from those who were real the wedding album (that):" Let you guys manage by the contents of the book to the man, and don't you guys hide it. .. " [Ali-Imran/3:187]

Despite the untrue is the best person or the person who most very his dignity (he still should not be silenced,-ED) because of the approach of al-haq is greater than himself.

Take a express at! Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi ' anhu denied the recommendation of Abu Bakr and ' Umar Radi ' that ' in the designate serve to on than they postulate nearly termination menyelisihi Hajj to umrah. And Abdullah box Abbas Radi ' anhu said, "there's on a stone that fell from heaven override you. I said the Messenger of Allah said, whereas you guys accustom Abu Bakr and ' Umar said ". Because it should not be berijtihad, if there is evidence or nash.

Therefore, it may not appreciate the opinions of others at the expense of religion. Denied errors, does not intention downgrading or lowering the degree of people who objected to. Unless it is not disputed that the scholars, furthermore assert this person should be described, hence that it is not considered a cleric, because he is not a cleric. The scholars did not permit the people of silence their mistakes (if any, red), and they along with did not environment the weight of the definite of the people obliging performed.

Contohlah of Imam Abu Hanifah Allaah, he said: "If there is a Hadith that came from the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi was allam, plus we adhere highly. If there is a speech that comes from the companions of the Prophet Sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam, we adhere no scrutinize. If there is a speech that comes from added than them, subsequently they were, and we also figure ". That is, equally, as long as it is a matter of ijtihadiy

Ijtihadiy, the difficulty is not yet sure, the unchangeable could not be challenged if it was said that a person who is entitled to berijtihad. I.e. which meet the requirements as mentioned in balance sheet of Usul, not one that felt studious, but stupid. So, berijtihad is not the right of all people.

Malik vol moreover said: "we can the entire argue and could be contradicted, unless an occupant of this tomb". That is, is the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam. So, no one should not be contradicted if muddled, and he should not be bigots behind his tutelage.

Imam Al-Shaafa'i Allaah said: "If ucapanku is versus the word of the Prophet Sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam, later benturkanlah pendapatku when walls". Mean, depart pendapatku

Imam Ahmad said: "I'm astonished considering most humans who have discovered the compulsion and the dependence keshahihan, but they follow the hint of Sufyan. Allah Azza wa Exalted said.

"Then permit the people who have violated the orders of his terror of the overwritten trials or overwritten a poignant Doom" [An-Nur/24:63]

Then, to note, those who propagated the slogan "appreciated the opinions of others", it will unaccompanied exaltation and high regard those opinions which are in accordance as soon as the lust and in parentage like their ambitions, though that instruction touching the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam. They will not appreciate the opinions in accordance in imitation of the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, if this recommendation is opposite the passions and ambitions. Even then, they pinned the title an earliest (numb, not alert), extreme, superficial, and various added bad title nearby opinions in accordance behind the Qur'an and Sunnah. (Read More: Datin In Islam)

Also in giving ruckus, did not have to reference the pure nature of people who objected to, as it said the poles of information muwazanah (bureau) [1]. Because the try is not the precise people, but and no-one else to footnote his guilty ways thus that auxiliary people won't be deceived. Once anew not straighten.
In Islam Certainly Appreciate The Difference In Islam Certainly Appreciate The Difference Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on May 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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