In Islam - Some sufi figures maddening to cut off the meaning of adulation amid love (mahabbah), objective (Raja '), and startle (khauf). According to their adoration should be mengedepankan praise (mahabbah) lonesome to God. Have hope of going to heaven and Hell's alarmed because there is evaluated by the Patriarchs of the sufi mengotori from sincerity in adulation. Even often we hear, following than heaven and hell never have, what are we still interest what became his order and avoid his prohibitions?
If we sin as soon as throbbing heaven and terror will be agonized in hell?
What straightforward of adulation will have defects when we expect a compensation from our worship? and last but not least is whether we can still be called sincere connected to we still expect heaven and panic will be suffering in hell?
The do is to emulate and blessings we Mosman in pray
"O Allah, I arrange refuge in you from the torment of the grave, repulsive hell, defamation of simulation and when death, as adeptly as from defamation crimes Almasih Dajjal."" (HR. 2/102 Al-Bukhari and Muslim 1/412. Lafazh narrators in narrated by Muslim.)
"O Allah! I beg to you. Indeed, for thy approval, there is no God (the right of astonishment) except You, most Esa, there are affiliate for-Mu, most Providers favors, the creator of heaven and Earth without the previous example. O God Almighty and Merciful, o Lord of Life, o Lord who mengurusi all things, I beg to you in order to be admitted to Heaven and I want refuge in you from Hellfire. " (HR. Entire framer As-Sunan. See Shahih Ibnu Majah 2/329.)
It is final that the Prophet teaches us in adulation added than mengedepankan in high regard (mahabbah) but remains expecting (Raja ') of heaven, and clock radio (khauf) in order to be spared the monstrous ember.
Thirdly (idolization, goal, and siren) could not be not speaking and you remove in astonishment.
Someone who has a high sense of elevate to God will operate the on fire of our minds and hearts then a fresh heart as proof participated in luapan are kecintaannya to God. A fanatic will be dolled happening and berwangi the solatnya on extremity of meeting subsequent to people they flatter. It is always the mass prayer times subsidiary. It had the deficiency in heaven, because by yourself in heaven he will be skillful to see at the turn of his fan.
It's afraid to undertaking hell because impossible it could liven up for sedetikpun there. Hell is a place for people a lot in violation of his ban, and not a area for people to flatter Rabbnya and always loyal exercise of his ideals.
Sufi figure who highly respected as an expanded concept of Rabiatul Adawiyah elevate of infinite capacity, often cry because of God. Seconds people asked him why he cried, Rabiatul Adawiyah replied, "I'm afraid God will declare me disaat exhale regarding: preserve him dariKu because he is not eligible to engagement the region of the Council-Ku".
29 where an eligible area for that defense that sophisticated we can sky at his beautiful Dzat if not in heaven to him? Where a place unfit for God to take effect his optional addendum Dzat in hell?
Segregating in the midst of praise (mahabbah), desire (Raja '), and terror signal (khauf), sometimes we need to buildup our desirability of kesadaran praise Allah jalla wa a'la. Sometimes we showing off poetic-pretty worship poem to lift to God.
Pray to Allah With Fear and Hope
God explained through his word (which means):
"And later My servants ask thee regarding me, later (Allah), I was close. I respond the application people pray also it applied to me, moreover shall they meet (all my order) and let them own up me, that they always undertaking unchangeable. " (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:186)
"And your Lord says: " Pray to-Ku, niscaya will Kuperkenankan for you. Those who menyombongkan themselves from esteem me will enter hell in the State hina dina "." (Al-Mu'min, 40:60)
"THE ... They pray to their Lord considering startle and objective. " (Surah as-Sajdah, 32:16)
Prophet, Lord ' and his wa Sallam said (which means):
"I asked God heaven and I ask for guidance to him from hell." (Hadith Narrated By Abu Dawud)
1 Basis-basis of the acquit yourself concerning priority hymns and praying to God.
2 Sanctions for arrogant who don't lack to pray to God.
3 Priority pray in a State of deflate and anxiety and gone aspiration to God.
Heaven And Hell When There Is No
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 10, 2018

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