In Islam - Every religion can not be detached from human needs. Islam is a religion which is the Universal upholding aspects of humanity, equality, and recognized the existence of religious pluralism. Religious pluralism according to islam is a rule that must be valued, indomitable and rejected, is unchanged. With the opinion that Islam looks so appreciate religious pluralism, because basically the Islamic religion with expressly recognize the rights of the followers of other religions to live together and run their respective teachings with seriousness.
Problems about religion and religious people who have happened from the first until now and will continue to happen as long as there is still life in this world. In looking at the Islamic view of pluralism we should see from history and learn from it by way of reviewing the Prophet Muhammmad Muhammad and Islam in people's lives. Islamic history records that the Prophet Muhammad was sent by God as a prophet and Rosul last on Earth by bringing treatise Islamiyah, with the Mission of universal rahmatalilla'alamin, as tetuang in the Quran in surah Al-Anbiya 20:107, which means "and we have not sent thee (Muhammad) melaikan to (be) rhmat for the whole of nature".
The religion brought by Prophet Muhammad became the last teachings and became a complement as well as cover for the teachings that came down from heaven (Abrahamic religions) to human life. Islam does not question about race, ethnicity, tribe, nation, and religion. All human beings and living things will get the principles universally grace from the teachings of Islam. In the Quran has discussed about pluralism and Quran alone has reached pucaknya in the discussion of pluralism, when al-Quran confirms that receive religions other than Islam and live side by side. Judaism, Christianity, and other religions Abrahamic religions or religious good Lisa existence recognized by Islam. This is evidence of a confession that is not necessarily exist in other religions.
Islam is a religion of peace and strongly appreciated, tolerant and pluralism. Cue-cue which shows that islam is appreciate much pluralism in explain in the Quran, one example among others: "to you your religion, and unto me my religion" (Q s. Al-Kafirun: 109/6).
Pluralisme In Islamic Views
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 04, 2018

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