Like What The Hell Is

In Islam - Here there is some credit of the circumstances of the ember and the occupants were sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet. Hopefully by knowing this opinion can we repent from the whole despicable activities we subsequent to did and outlook into a bigger person as soon as again.

An overview of the State of Hell according to the Qur'an and the Hadith, the Prophet

1. Hell, Seburuk-buruk Return

God SWR said in the Qur'an,

"And people are infidels to Rabbnya, gained the augmented of Jahannam. And that is the seburuk-buruk place behind anew. " (Qur'an, Surat Al-Mulk: verse 6).

As we have discussed above, this paragraph is a threat to Pagans, demons and others. They will profit these tortures were threatened.

Hell is the seburuk-buruk place anew. Living in this world are merely performing arts and single-handedly to mix Scrip even if returning residence to the bosom of the creator, the nonattendance of it in the form of society and our hero worship during the sparkle of the world.

In the realm of the afterlife, difficult, there are by yourself two options of compensation that is heaven or hell. If in the unfriendly a hell that became our place backing in addition to that is the resting-place of the place to reward.
2. Hell appropriately deep

Among the seven levels of hell, a hell of a most poignant and pure siksanya is hell. Why is it called taking into account blasted?  These have the prudence of something that has a enormously basic inside.

As mentioned in a Hadith from Abu Hurayrah the in the midst of,

"We had subsequent to following the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam. Suddenly the sound of something falling. The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam later asked, "Did you get sticking together of it?"

No issue the companions replied, "Allah and his Apostle know greater than before." The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam later explained, "this is the stone that was thrown into hell past 70 years ago and the appendage stone in the bottom of hell at the moment."

Try to imagine that stone in slip into hell and just realize to the essence for seventy years, this proves so it hell.

3. The nature of Hell: Hell shouting and Boiling

Allah Ta'ala says in the qur'an that reads,

"When they'behind reference to thrown into it they listen the repulsive sound of hell, hell it are bubbling." (Qur'an, Surat Al-Mulk: v. 7).

Abu Ja'far-off away Muhammad Ibn Jareer Ibn Yazid Ibn Katheer Ibn Ghalib al-Amali ath-Tabari, or augmented known as Ibn Jareer or ath-Tabari said if the word syahiq in the above letter sounds meaning out of the parts of the body when than than utterly unassailable later as the voice of donkey. or more in a nutshell means cry. Where the meaning is following the infidels around the throw into hell, hell would scream.

ATH the father with said that the meaning of tafuur in the verse above is boiling.

Meanwhile Sufyan Tsauri said Ats, if a swelling the hell caused by infidels who enter into it. While mendiddihnya hell upon to attraction along with than a seed that is few in number in the boiling water.

So a tiny bit of an idea of how the State of the boiling hell and yell back the unbelievers in enter into it.

4. The birds of Hell: hell is crazy

Do you know if hell as God Almighty has along with calamity. Hell agree to severe at people who go into it until around fragmented.

Allah says in the Qur'an, meaning:

"Almost (hell) was fragmented due to the cross." (Qur'an, Surat Al-Mulk: verse 8). Ibn ' Abbas said that hell a propos split due to the calamity.

Who has the same word later than Ibn ' Abbas is Adh Dhohak and Ibn Zayd.

While Infidels was put into it, she was so severe. Then how to worry that will befall the disbelievers?

5. Are these On fuel during the Year 3000

Hell is a place of unquestionably-enormously hot, So the heat of hell if entre of the pinhole abandoned later will be practiced to burn every one sum world because residents because of the heat.

In a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad said "subsequent to God made the Blasted, as well as the blaze ignited during the 1000 years to acquit yourself a role red. plus lit again for 1000 years until it appears white. And plus turned upon again for the neighboring 1000 years consequently it looks black. Until now it was dark black hell "(Hadith History at-Tirmidhi and Ibn maajah).

6. Heat of the hell flare 70 Times Hotter Fire World

Hell fire has 70 era more heat from the heat of the blaze that is upon this earth. Can you imagine how the heat. If we are exposed to fire upon earth we already vibes the heat that can make our skin blisters as well as what if we are exposed to the heat of the seventy fold him?

The Prophet Muhammad himself has explained this in his Hadith as in records by Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim and At-Tirmidhi.
Abu Hurairah ra. reference if the Prophet said "the sufficient Fire you guys direction vis--vis is part of the seventy-portion heat of hell"

"O Messenger of God, in order to in want toward of fact blaze the world is in fact quite hot, " said companions.

Rosul SAW continued "hell fire but 69 is hotter than ember world, each fragment in the thesame heat gone fire in the world"

Like What The Hell Is Like What The Hell Is Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on April 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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