In The Eyes Of The Lord All The Same

In Islam - There are several Testaments by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam concerning Abu Jurayy Ibn Jabir Sulaim. Her first we evaluation is not to exploitation and disparage others. May be an underrated nobler of us coarsely speaking the side of God.

Abu Jurayy Jabir box Sulaim, he said, "I saw a man who obeyed the word of the person. Each period, he said, would be followed by them. I asked, "who is this boy?" They said, "the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam." I said, ' salaam Alaikas (for you salvation), o Messenger (he repeat it two time). " He went upon to make known, "thou shalt not regard as brute ' alaikas salaam (unto salvation) because a confession when that is a colossal compliment to the dead. Good spoken is assalamu ' alaik (hopefully salvation for you. "

Abu Jurayy asked, "Whether you are the Messenger of God?" He replied, "I am the Messenger of God that following you replaced the plagues, and as well as you pray to God, He will eliminate badly pain from you. When you replaced the drought for one year, later you pray to God, later he will impinge on ahead nature for you. And once you're in a place of renunciation and subsequently untamu is missing, later you pray to God, He will upgrade the camels for you. 

"Abu Jurayy said to the Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam, "have enough maintenance testament to me."

Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam gave any will,

"Thou shalt not be violent towards anyone." Abu Jurayy said, "I never exploitation the one in addition to, both to the independent, a slave, a camel and a sheep."

The Messenger of Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam continued his sayings,

"Do not underestimate the amiability of one bit though by talking to your brother bearing in mind a smiling slant to him. The practice is a share of virtue.

Raise or lower your Holster you to mid calf. If reluctant, you can set him taking place to the ankles. Shun the elongation of fabric fashion supplement until late gathering the ankles. Such aerate is a sign of the arrogant and God don't taking into account narcissism.

If there is someone who insulting you and make a fool of you when something he know there are thee, with thou shalt not malleability when something that you know him. Ill permit that stand. " (Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi 4084 No. No. 2722. Abu Taahir Al Hafez says that this hadeeth is Saheeh isnaad. Al Haafiz Ibn Hajar stated that this hadeeth is Saheeh).

In in the midst of will and Testament Apostles ' alaihi wa sallam in the above Hadith is reach not batter added people. After the Apostles delivered this Testament, Jabir box Sulaim never batter any one taking place any times in a slave and an animal.
In surat Al-Hujurat, Allaah gives us instructions in fine setting,

"O believers, realize not consent to a society of men lower new groups, may be that it's enlarged than visceral laughed at them. And a bureau of women nor humiliate other groups, behave view of that debased that it better. " (QS. Al Hujurat: 11)

Allaah ibn katheer said that paragraph above contains the prohibition of abusive and dismissive of others. And the flora and fauna of harassing and belittling are included in the category of a snob as the word Apostle sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam,

"The arrogant attitude of rejecting the utter and is underestimating the man." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 91). What is meant here is underestimated as a dwarf. Belittling others is a forbidden because it could be an underrated nobler side of God as mentioned in the above paragraph. " (Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al ' Azhim, 6:713).
Remember people appropriately glorious Allah as soon as knowledge and piety. Do not consent to others underestimated and is seen hina. Allaah says,

"God will lift taking place those of you who understand and those who were definite knowledge to some degree." (QS. Al Mujadilah: 11)
A former slaves could be noble from different because of science. Consider the report of a former slave.

Of Nafi ' Ibn ' Abd al Harith, he never met ' Umar at ' Usfaan. ' Umar ordered that Nafi ' to receive care of Makkah. Umar asked, "who will publicize you will care of the residents of Al Wadi?" "Ibn Abza", Nafi ' replied. Umar help asking, "who is Ibn Abza?" "He was one of the former slaves of our slaves", answered Nafi '. Umar said, "why can you guys told the former slaves to endure care of it when that?" Nafi ' replied, "he is a au fait Book. He was furthermore versed in the science of faroidh (the play-exploit of inheritance). " ' Umar said to the Prophet that you guys-Allaah ' alaihi wa sallam  have said, "surely a House could be appointed by God because of this autograph album, the opposite could as well as despised because of it." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 817). 

Hopefully the advice in the day is beneficial. The tally Apostles would be delivered and Testament in the posting continued, God permissible. Only God who gives everything.

In The Eyes Of The Lord All The Same In The Eyes Of The Lord All The Same Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on April 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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