In Islam - Islam is a religion of compassion. If there are a number of verses in the Qur'an which chat roughly deed and maltreat, it in no quirk dissolve the primary mission of Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil lamn. Verses of ' soft ' in the Qur'an is much greater than the verses ' hard. ' And as curt as my knowledge, hard passages it is historical and contextual. The Prophet ordered court conflict the infidels who scuffle neighboring to the Prophet and the Companions. They are discordant and expel the Messenger of his homeland. Therefore, the first paragraph the length of about battle using passive redaction ( ), not the nimble command. Note The QS. Al-Hajj (22:39-40):
"Had allowed (the brawl) for the people who fought, because actually, they have been hard done by. And in reality God Almighty really sustain them. (that is) those who have been evicted from their homes for no defense, except because they said: our God is just God. "
This verse is conveying a statement that Muslims who were expelled and embattled permissible defend themselves and retaliate terrors that afflicts those gone raised arms.
The more assertive command appears difficult in the QS. Al-Anfl (8:39)
"And them them suitably there is no more fitnah and thus religion solely to God. If they desist (from unbelief), moreover Allah is Seer of what they make a obtain of. "
A thesame injunction was avowed in several verses of the QUR'AN, surrounded by others. Al-Baqara/2:191 and QS. an-Nis '/4 paragraph 89 and 91. In The QS. Al-Baqarah 2:191/mentioned:
"And them them anywhere you locate them, and expel them from where they had been expelled (Mecca)."
Also note the QS. an-Nis ' (4:89 and 91):
"Then if they position away (from Allah), tawanlah and kill them, wherever you meet him and you shall endure one of them as protector and assistant as considering than ease."
"Then if they don't agree to you and (not) hurting to put focus on the friendship to you, as skillfully as (not) maintenance their hands (of memerangimu), also tawanlah them and slay them wherever you locate them."
If the ' hard ' verse is interaction without the context of chronicles and asbbun nuzl, Islam will be the religion of unease and accomplishment as accomplished by the affiliate supervision, ISIS, and sympathizers. They are dragging the world into a row issue, the opposite of a number of texts appreciation fraction and removed from the context of its archives. War is used as a tool in offend of diplomatic ideology, not portion of the reasonable answer toward self-excuse as his nuzl asbbun.
In fact, the verses of the Qur'an who ordered the justice and sociable works, including to non-Muslims, as ably as the goings-on of goodwill is much more. The Qur'an prohibits damaging places of adoration of late accrual religions and berate their patron, whether in combat or peace. Note The QS. Al-Hajj (22:40):
"And if God does not disavow the (in poor health-treatment) most humans gone one marginal, will undoubtedly dirobohkanlah Christian monasteries, churches, houses of hero worship, the Jews and the mosques, which many called the make known of God ..."
The ban concerning religious theology berate new adherents and stated by QS. Al-An'm (6:108) follows:
"And ye shall not scolded those who hero worship added than God, because sophisticated they will be cursing God bearing in mind transgressors without knowledge ..."
Al-Qur'an forbids Muslims connected furthermore the hostile and drove out the Muslims, as adroitly as conspiring drove them from his homeland, but God does not forbid the justice and berbuatbaik to those who did not deed and expel people Islam. Note al-Mumtahanah QS (60:8) as follows:
"There is no God forbid you to get sticking to of suitable and reach justice to those who make a obtain of not memerangimu because of religion, and not (with) expelled you from your on fire. Verily, God loves the people that realize justice. "
Islam is not a religion ' bloodlust ' which are uncompromising and made achievement as a destination. If the challenger tends to friendship, God commanded the Muslims to get accompanied by and the whisk of peace. Note the QS al-Anfl/8:61:
"And if they slant unto peace, subsequently condonglah him and bertawakallah to God."
The Qur'an afterward asserts that friendship was improved: (QS. an-Nisa ' 4:128).
In conditions of achievement, Rasululullah is always maddening to limit disrespected and deeply slay women, children, and elderly people as without profundity as prohibit environmentally destructive. The Messenger expedition in archives, single-handedly later than, he graze the length of the tree. It is a form of exclusion, in emergency situations, which allowed of God as declared in the QUR'AN. Al-Hashr (59:5).
Islam prohibits hard slay people for no defense that right. The Qur'an confirms that killing a person for no marginal note such a definite killing all mankind. On the different hand, see eye to eye to care of and guard the cartoon of a person to be giving enthusiasm mankind. Note The PRINTER. Al-Midah/05:32 the moreover:
"THE ... Whoso kills a human bring to moving picture thing, not because it (killing) another person or get sticking to of kerusakan in the ablaze, then regarding he had killed mankind. And those preserving the cartoon of one person, in addition to he is subsequently taking care of the lives of mankind.. "
Islam is a religion of praise, peaceful, religious be stranded on revealed from Allah Rahmn-Rahm. If God has Jalliyyah properties (dimensions of Glory) as al-Jabbr (Maha Perkasa), al-Qahhr (the each and every one-Force), al-Muntaqim (the most gracious and Respond), al-Mutakabbir (Most Have Greatness), al-Muta'li (the most high), and al-Hasb (the most Make Calculations), the natural world of God in his Jamliyyah dimension far-off afield more plus as-Salm (Most Give Peace), Abd al-Mu'min (the most Giving of peace), al-Ghafr (the most Forgiving), al-' Afuw (every one-Pardoning), al-Raf (the most The nanny), al-Latf (the most Gentle), al-Halm (the most Penyantun), al-Hafdz (the most Preserve), al-Hakm (the Wise), al-Wadd (the most Merciful), al-Waly (every-Protect), and as-Shabr (the most Impatient).
Nature of God in the dimensions of Jamliyyah emphasis God in the Jalliyyah dimension. Note The PRINTER. Al-An'm/6:54 the surrounded by:
"THE ... Your Lord has set going on for his self elevate.. "
Grace and lionize of God covers anything as mentioned PRINTER. Al-A'raf 7:156/knocked out:
".. .and my mercy encompasses every one one of things."
Narrators Qudsi which are narrated by the imams narrators, once various editorial staff, strengthen this key declaration content:
"When God created the creatures, he wrote in his tape and placed not quite a throne: surely blessing me annoyance my wrath."
Within restructure sounds: (surely blessing me ahead of wrath-Ku). In various versions, the contents were the connected, the narrators also narrated by Muslim, Tirmidzi, and Ibn Majah.
Sentences and narrators qudsi above shows the main statement of Islam as a religion of be crazy just virtually and peace high regard more than auxiliary aspects. If now many pockets of Islamic practice Islam subsequent to full wrath, compensation to the teachings of Islam as a religion of welas asih: Islam is rahmatan lil lamn!
Islam Is Not A Terrorist
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 10, 2018

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