Buy And Sell Online According To Islam

In Islam - Law online buy sell buy sell justifies God and forbidden usury, according to the word of God in the qur'an. Buy and sell already dilama there and known by human, even since the era of Prophethood, and most of the wives of the Prophet berprovesi as a merchant, for example siti khodijah wife of the Islamic prophet Muhammad is also a successful trader agricultural developments. Within the reserved and selling has been set either for the seller or the buyer there is a requirement that must be met in order for the terms of selling legal.

First sell direct buyers and sellers dealing in transactions but with technology evolving so now we know that his name and sell online. because right now the internet is part of the lifestyle or may include a list of the necessities of life.

Selling pillars according to islam is the seller, the buyer, the goods are on sale and qabul consent. In Islam is doing business through online is allowed as long as there were no terrors, monopoly, as well as elements of usury, and also fraud. Because in the Qur'an about the dangers already described riba as contained in the Qur'anic Sura Ar Albaqarah, Rum, and an Nisa '.

Legal terms and selling online it is allowed if:

1. You shall not violate the laws of the religion, such as the sale and purchase of goods, fraud and fraudulent trading.

2. There is a contract of buying and selling, kesepekatan between the seller and buy a case of something not desirable.

3. The existence of controls, sanctions and rules of law which expressly and clearly from the Government to ensure the security of buying and selling online so that is not the case it did not chill.
Buy and sell online law is unlawful or not permitted if selling online does not comply with the terms and conditions that have been described above.

Because the benefit and protection of the public in buying and selling and the effort should be in protection of State or competent institutions. So clear that the law of selling online is allowed as long as it does not violate the Shari'ah and harming others. Hopefully this article can be of benefit to you.

Buy And Sell Online According To Islam Buy And Sell Online According To Islam Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on April 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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