Islamic Views On HIV Disease

 - HIV-AIDS illness above more to distress signal in the community because he wrote this photo album to the illness there is no cure. The complaint arises due to human con that violates contiguously the Shari'ah has been in fighting. 

There are several factors that cause the occurrence of illness of HIV-AIDS. Among them are:

Drug abuse following the use of syringe - Textual basis in the Qur'an does not mention his drug use will be forbidden. However, contextually, bail the Qur'an has mentioned that Hadith maun Drugs that appear in is unlawful. As the verses and the Hadith below:

They ask thee a propos wine and gambling. Say: "in them is a satisfying sin, and some lead for men, but the sin of them is greater than its bolster. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 219).

From the above it is conclusive that the wine was made and is haraam even though the drug more suffering from the wine and more wine from the unlawful ruling. Drugs not unaided make people become intoxicated but can create people who abuse become dead. Seeing the harsh conditions of his drugs exceed the wine, furthermore a drug deed out is unlawful.

Any intoxicating substances that wine and any intoxicating substance that it is unlawful. (Narrated By Abdullah Ibn Umar)

Drugs are not just clearly make drunk, but a agitated making drug abuse into error. Therefore the drug should be shunned by as in the set against afield as. See the dangers of drugs, as well as Allah almighty ordered that something that may cruelty such as liquor, drugs and others therefore that shunned. As the word of God:

O believers, indeed (beverage) wine, gambling, (sacrifice for) idols, raffle's fate once an arrow, is a vulgarity including activities of the devil. Then Shun acts that shall ye prosper (QS. Al-maidah: 90).

Wine and gambling is haraam

They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "in them is a satisfying sin, and some lead for men, but the sin of them is more than their in addition to." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 219)

An anathema gone-door-door to the wine

The Angel Gabriel came to me and said: "o Muhammad, God cursed firewater, who memerasnya, who drank it, people who make a get your hands on of his retention, people who sell it, people who get it, people who have the funds for and those who radiant to treated ". (Narrated Ibn ' Abbas Ahmad Ibn Hambal)

Free sex/unhealthy - Custom main women (commit adultery) is one of the custom in some societies. This is evident previously the nevertheless retrieve some places prostitution in our country the majority of the population converted to Islam. 

Our country is majority muslim, is one of the countries that have the largest prostitution if compared to adjunct countries in Asia. This is an operate that is humiliating for Muslims. 

Islam has banned approached comings and goings above, as his word:

 "And make a obtain of not admittance the adultery; Verily, adultery is an combat of heinous and a bad passage  ". (QS. Al-Isra ': 32).

 "And permit your slaves women motivated to reach prostitution, creature their own hurting chastity, because you nonattendance to character for earthly gains. And whoever compels them, afterward surely Allah is Most Forgiving yet again Most Merciful (to them) after they were frustrated (it)  ". (QS. An-Nur: 33).

The second of the above verse, Allah tells his servant, that every one forms of events mannerism in to adultery (main female) prostitution and greater than was prohibited. As a consequences of the above attainment was the emergence of the HIV/AIDS disease that until now has not found a cure.

Natural disasters - Diseases subsidiary than HIV-AIDS posed by those who violate Shariah religion (abusing drugs using syringes and unhealthy sex) could as a consequence be due to an catastrophe. For example: a massive wife-adroitly (shalihah) can profit HIV if hanging out gone her with a prostitute and her HIV-polluted prostitutes, or a health worker who used a used syringe used injecting someone as soon as HIV. And many adding taking place factors. 

Therefore the best mannerism to prevent contracting the disease of his HIV-AIDS was a totally scary behind fornication and abstinence from abusing drugs. 

May we the whole portion of for all time unlimited strength by Almighty God, in order to avoid rudeness and it.

Islamic Views On HIV Disease Islamic Views On HIV Disease Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin on April 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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