In Islam - Etiquette of addressing disagreements in Islam (khilafiyah) should be a to your liking situation to us, pure the daily glorify in practice or legal hardship, often happens to the difference of reference in the midst of the scholars.
At the times of the Prophet himself, it has often been disagreements happen. However, because there is still the Prophet, in addition to take in hand the companions could finish through policies and decisions based in symbol to the instruction of the Prophet of Allah SWT.
The Prophet after he already predicts, until finally the time, dissent. He moreover asserted, addressing the difference it is to attend to to the SUNNAH.
"Whoever is yet conscious in the middle of you guys later will see a lot of strife. And beware of the things in there are invented because it was misguided. And those who locate such that, moreover is sticking regarding my sunnah and the sunnah of Muhammad, khulafa'ur. Bite he taking into account molars molars-y'all ". (Narrated By Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah)
After the Prophet and the companions came encourage from the deed of the trench, the Angel Gabriel came to see him and gave command of God ALMIGHTY for that gloss that he and his troops were heading to the village of Bani Quraidhah. He left for there.
Before departure, the Prophet ordered his companions to not praying ' ASR previously reaching the village. "Let no one buy not pray ' ASR except after arriving in Bani Quraidhah " (yushallianna laa ahadun illa al-' ashra fi bani quraidhah).
On the mannerism, it's epoch to pray ASR. The companions differed on the subject of the orders of the Prophet. Some of them "ignore" command to pray ASR.
The occurrence of such difference of recommendation later reported upon the Prophet. As it turns out, he's not it, silence the sniping or rebuking one of any of them.
The relation quoted from Fiqhu's-Sirrah Dr. Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buthy, shows us, differences of recommendation (ikhtilaf, khilafiyah) surrounded by Muslims, not just happen at the become earliest of the death of the Prophet or the knack.
In fact, when than the Prophet was still broadcast along in the company of the people, it happens. More importantly, dissent was tolerated by the Prophet (Sunnah Taqririyah).
According to Dr. Yusuf al-Qardhawi (1995:151), the attitude of shy Prophet Saw in the financial bank account above shows us, that an violent behavior if it is refined upon the basis of ijtihad, it is not possible to dikafirkan or perceived sins.
Citing the recommendation of Ibn Al-Qayim, Qardhawi said, the first organization (which performs the prayer) or fix to the content of the speech of the Prophet, was the predecessor of the qias and experts concerned following meaning (intent). While the second charity (not the prayer) or recognize the textual basis of the Prophet sayings was the forerunner of expert Zahir (bepegang upon the order of the sentences in harfiyah).
Currently any Muslims generally separated into two groups in promise the Quran or Hadith texts, especially approaching the situation of furu ' (branch).
Difference of auspices (khilafiyah) rather than things to fuss, permit alone until cracked the ukhuwah Islamiyah because one outfit felt most real and answerable the adding happening.
Difference of hint is something that is natural. We, who are not dexterous to berijtihad itself, may be KPD ittiba ', i.e. the later than or pick opinions anywhere according your beliefs and concord of our own, accompanied by knowledge and bargain will be the cornerstone of their respective arguments/opinions.
Blind or lineage aspect pick, bandwagon, without knowing and concurrence the excuse, is prohibited.
"Do not follow what you get your hands on not know everything roughly it. Indeed, sight, hearing and taste, each would be asked for was to have "(17:36 Q.S.).
Different But Not The Enemy
Reviewed by Choirur Rozikin
April 11, 2018

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